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Poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. 1

  • Poetry is very similar to PipEnv.
  • It, also, doesn't come with Python by default, so you'll need to install it first.
  • Two major benfits over pip are (same as pipenv):
    • Dependencies are installed in a virtualenv, so you don't have to worry about installing them in the system path.
    • It automatically captures installed dependencies in files to generate an exact replica of the environment packages.
      • I'd then check the dependeinces file into my code repository and is always available for me to use and share.
      • Unlike in pip where you specifically need to freeze a snapshot of the entire virtual env with all of its dependencies.
      • It generates 2 files: poetry.lock and pyproject.toml.


  • To start using Poetry, you'll need to initialize a project.

    • poetry init
    • poetry install
  • To install a package

    poetry add <package>
  • To install a specific version of a package

    poetry add <package>@<version>
  • To upgrade a package

    poetry update <package>
  • To uninstall a package

    poetry remove <package>
  • To Search for packages

    poetry search <package>
  • All Other commands can be found here

1 Poetry Documentation