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Importing from Different Data Sources

We can construct a DataFrame from a variety of data sources. The most common data sources are:

  • CSV files
  • Excel files
  • SQL databases
  • JSON files
  • HTML files

In this notes, we see some of those examples in action

πŸ“₯ From CSV​

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
url = ""

tips = pd.read_csv(url)
total_bill tip sex smoker day time size
0 16.99 1.01 Female No Sun Dinner 2
1 10.34 1.66 Male No Sun Dinner 3
2 21.01 3.50 Male No Sun Dinner 3
3 23.68 3.31 Male No Sun Dinner 2
4 24.59 3.61 Female No Sun Dinner 4

The .head() function gets you the first 5 elements of the data frame to show what the data would look like.

You could also use the function describe() which return summary statistics about the dataset

total_bill tip size
count 244.000000 244.000000 244.000000
mean 19.785943 2.998279 2.569672
std 8.902412 1.383638 0.951100
min 3.070000 1.000000 1.000000
25% 13.347500 2.000000 2.000000
50% 17.795000 2.900000 2.000000
75% 24.127500 3.562500 3.000000
max 50.810000 10.000000 6.000000

Downloading Dataset from Kaggle using OpenDatasets​

In cases where you're trying to use datasets that are available on online sources like Kaggle. You can continue to use the URL directly, if the source makes one available. Or you could use a tool such as opendatasets. opendatasets is a Python library for downloading datasets from online sources like Kaggle and Google Drive using a simple Python command.

The following examples show how you can (DOWNLOAD) the US Elections Dataset available via Kaggle. You will be asked to provide your username and authentication API key (that's not the same as your account password).

To get your Kaggle API Key: Where to get your Kaggle API Key

this will download a file named kaggle.json that contains your account name and a key that you'll use to authenticate in the following code cell.

import opendatasets as od
dataset_url = '', data_dir='./data')
    Skipping, found downloaded files in "./data/us-elections-dataset" (use force=True to force download)

Once downloaded, you can Import the CSV file into a data frame.

## import CSv file from local folder into a dataframe
elections = pd.read_csv('./data/us-elections-dataset/1976-2020-president.csv')
year state state_po state_fips state_cen state_ic office candidate party_detailed writein candidatevotes totalvotes version notes party_simplified
0 1976 ALABAMA AL 1 63 41 US PRESIDENT CARTER, JIMMY DEMOCRAT False 659170 1182850 20210113 NaN DEMOCRAT
1 1976 ALABAMA AL 1 63 41 US PRESIDENT FORD, GERALD REPUBLICAN False 504070 1182850 20210113 NaN REPUBLICAN
3 1976 ALABAMA AL 1 63 41 US PRESIDENT BUBAR, BENJAMIN ""BEN"" PROHIBITION False 6669 1182850 20210113 NaN OTHER
4 1976 ALABAMA AL 1 63 41 US PRESIDENT HALL, GUS COMMUNIST PARTY USE False 1954 1182850 20210113 NaN OTHER

πŸ“₯ From API​

To import data using an HTTP API in Python, you have multiple options for the HTTP client libraries. The one I choose and use here is requests. Here I will show you how you can use requests to query data from the US Census Data, and from the John Hopkins COVID APIs.

The most basic example is the following:

import requests

x = requests.get('')


However, depending on the API provider, we may need to pass additional configurations and options in the request. We'll see that in the following examples

US Census Data​

The US Census Bureau provides machine-readable dataset via a developer API.

Developers could use the statistics available through this API to create apps that:

  1. Show commuting patterns for every city in America.
  2. Display the latest numbers on owners and renters in a neighborhood someone may want to live in.
  3. Provide a local government a range of socioeconomic statistics on its population.

Here are some of the datasets available that you can use

Each dataset provides technical documentation for the different variables you could get from that Particular API. Here's an example

To construct a request with requests we need to determine the URL we need to send the request to.

import requests

HOST = ""
year = "2022"
dataset = "cps/basic/apr"
base_url = "/".join([HOST, year, dataset]) # JOIN the variables with a `/` separator

# The dataset is huge and contains a lot of data, so we'll request a subset of the available variables.
dataset_variables = ["GEDIV","HRMIS","PENATVTY"]

predicates = {}
predicates["get"] = ",".join(dataset_variables) # JOIN the variables with a `,` separator
predicates["for"] = "state:*"

response = requests.get(base_url, params=predicates)

census_data = pd.DataFrame.from_records(response.json()[1:], columns=response.json()[0])
0 8 8 303 4
1 8 8 303 4
2 8 8 57 4
3 8 8 57 4
4 7 2 57 5

This link here describes what those variables mean.

Also, you note that even the states are presented with some numerical values. to get the values of those state IDs, I'll send another request to another dataset

import requests

HOST = ""
year = "2017"
dataset = "acs/acs5"
base_url = "/".join([HOST, year, dataset]) # JOIN the variables with a `/` separator

dataset_variables = ["NAME"]
predicates = {}
predicates["get"] = ",".join(dataset_variables)
predicates["for"] = "state:*"

r = requests.get(base_url, params=predicates)
states = pd.DataFrame.from_records(r.json()[1:], columns=r.json()[0])
              NAME state
0 Mississippi 28
1 Missouri 29
2 Montana 30
3 Nebraska 31
4 Nevada 32

You could subset the data recieved to find the State Numerical Code for the Ohio

# Find the state code with the name "Ohio"
print(states[states["NAME"] == "Ohio"])
        NAME state
16 Ohio 39

or you could just combine and merge the 2 data sets on the state ID, so we end up with a single dataset with all the information we need.

# Merge census_data and states
full_census_data = pd.merge(census_data, states, on="state")
full_census_data.head() # Print the first 5 rows
0 7 6 57 40 Oklahoma
1 7 6 57 40 Oklahoma
2 7 6 57 40 Oklahoma
3 7 6 57 40 Oklahoma
4 7 3 57 40 Oklahoma

John Hopkins Covid API​

John Hopkins University | Cornoavirus Resources Center have been collecting and publishing data regarding COVID-19 since day one. You can learn more about that and find official resources for how to use the data here

I believe someone is publishing those datasets by means of API through the RapidAPI platform. Whether it's an official resource or not, the goal of this exercise is to show you how to work with APIs in general.

You can see a very easy to understand documentation of how to use the API here.

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import requests

rapid_api_key = os.getenv("RAPID_API_KEY")

url = ""
querystring = {"region_province":"Ohio","iso":"USA","region_name":"US","q":"US Ohio","date":"2020-04-16"}

headers = {
"X-RapidAPI-Key": rapid_api_key,
"X-RapidAPI-Host": ""

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)

# save json result into a pandas dataframe
covid_data = pd.DataFrame(response.json()["data"][0]["region"]["cities"])
name date fips lat long confirmed deaths confirmed_diff deaths_diff last_update
0 Adams 2020-04-16 39001 38.84541072 -83.4718964 3 0 0 0 2020-04-16 23:30:51
1 Allen 2020-04-16 39003 40.77285242 -84.10802343 57 6 6 2 2020-04-16 23:30:51
2 Ashland 2020-04-16 39005 40.84772277 -82.27280781 5 0 -1 0 2020-04-16 23:30:51
3 Ashtabula 2020-04-16 39007 41.70860332 -80.74830218 45 3 9 0 2020-04-16 23:30:51
4 Athens 2020-04-16 39009 39.33425634 -82.04278644 3 1 0 0 2020-04-16 23:30:51

πŸ“₯ Using Socrata​

The Socrata Open Data API allows you to programmatically access a wealth of open data resources from governments, non-profits, and NGOs around the world.

Cincinnati Datasets​

For example, here are a bunch of datasets that you can find about the City of Cincinnati

For you to be able to access any of those datasets, you need to register to get an application token.

Cincinnati Data Portal

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import pandas as pd
from sodapy import Socrata


# Example authenticated client (needed for non-public datasets):
app_token = os.getenv("SODA_APP_TOKEN")

# client = Socrata("", None)
client = Socrata("",app_token)

# First 2000 results, returned as JSON from API / converted to Python list of
# dictionaries by sodapy.
results = client.get("rvmt-pkmq", limit=2000)

# Convert to pandas DataFrame
results_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(results)
    Index(['address_x', 'latitude_x', 'longitude_x', 'age',
'community_council_neighborhood', 'cpd_neighborhood',
'sna_neighborhood', 'crashdate', 'crashseverity', 'crashseverityid',
'datecrashreported', 'dayofweek', 'gender', 'injuries', 'instanceid',
'lightconditionsprimary', 'localreportno', 'mannerofcrash',
'roadconditionsprimary', 'roadcontour', 'roadsurface', 'unittype',
'typeofperson', 'weather', 'zip', 'roadclass', 'roadclassdesc'],

πŸ“₯ From SQL​

About SQL​

SQL is a powerful programming language that allows us to interact and save data in Relational Databases. SQL stores data in a table format, consisting of rows representing a number of records and columns corresponding to various features.

There are many categories categories of SQL commands:

  1. Data Definition Language (DDL)

    1. CREATE, ALTER, DROP; these are the commands used to define the data structure or the data model.
  2. Data Manipulation Language (DML)

    1. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE; these are the commands used to modify data in existing databases.
  3. Data Query Language (DQL)

    1. SELECT
  4. Data Control Langauge (DCL)

    1. GRANT, REVOKE; administrative commands to manage user permissions and access
  5. Transaction Control Language (TCL)

    1. COMMIT, ROLLBACK, BEGIN TRANSACTION; for managing transaction queries where multiple DML are processed in a single operation. This is more for software developers than it is for data analysts.

While there is a SQL Standard, there are many dialects and implementations of that standard. You'll often hear of Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ...etc. All of these require that the an instance of the server is hosted on some server or locally.

Another dialect of SQL is called SQLite. This is a small, self-contained, serverless relational database system. This means that the entire database would be contained in a file. that can be shared with others. This has pros and cons.

For the purposes of demo-ing how we can use Python to interact with SQL Database, I'm using a sample SQLite database. The SQLite Tutorial Website offers same sample database for testing and training.

I'm here demo-ing using the Chinook database in python. This is the database schema for the database tables.

DB Schema

First off, I'll download the sqlite database from The downloaded file is zipped so I will need to also unzip that file. (of course we can do that manually, but how savage is that)

from zipfile import ZipFile
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

file_handle, _ = urlretrieve("")
zipfile = ZipFile(file_handle, 'r')

We'll need to use the SQLAlchemy package from the Python Package Index.

Here we define the connection string a sqlite connection to a locally available SQLite Database file chinook

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

connection_string = "sqlite:///chinook.db"
engine = create_engine(connection_string)

dbConnection = engine.connect()
import pandas as pd

genres_df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM genres;", dbConnection)
GenreId Name
0 1 Rock
1 2 Jazz
2 3 Metal
3 4 Alternative & Punk
4 5 Rock And Roll
5 6 Blues
6 7 Latin
7 8 Reggae
8 9 Pop
9 10 Soundtrack
10 11 Bossa Nova
11 12 Easy Listening
12 13 Heavy Metal
13 14 R&B/Soul
14 15 Electronica/Dance
15 16 World
16 17 Hip Hop/Rap
17 18 Science Fiction
18 19 TV Shows
19 20 Sci Fi & Fantasy
20 21 Drama
21 22 Comedy
22 23 Alternative
23 24 Classical
24 25 Opera

Let's add one item to the dataframe

genres_df = pd.concat([genres_df, pd.DataFrame.from_records([{'GenreId': '26', 'Name': 'Arabic Pop'}])], ignore_index=True)
GenreId Name
0 1 Rock
1 2 Jazz
2 3 Metal
3 4 Alternative & Punk
4 5 Rock And Roll
5 6 Blues
6 7 Latin
7 8 Reggae
8 9 Pop
9 10 Soundtrack
10 11 Bossa Nova
11 12 Easy Listening
12 13 Heavy Metal
13 14 R&B/Soul
14 15 Electronica/Dance
15 16 World
16 17 Hip Hop/Rap
17 18 Science Fiction
18 19 TV Shows
19 20 Sci Fi & Fantasy
20 21 Drama
21 22 Comedy
22 23 Alternative
23 24 Classical
24 25 Opera
25 26 Arabic Pop

Let's update the database with the new data

genres_df.to_sql('genres', dbConnection, if_exists='replace', index=False)

Let's see what's in the database table now

df2 = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM genres;", dbConnection)
GenreId Name
0 1 Rock
1 2 Jazz
2 3 Metal
3 4 Alternative & Punk
4 5 Rock And Roll
5 6 Blues
6 7 Latin
7 8 Reggae
8 9 Pop
9 10 Soundtrack
10 11 Bossa Nova
11 12 Easy Listening
12 13 Heavy Metal
13 14 R&B/Soul
14 15 Electronica/Dance
15 16 World
16 17 Hip Hop/Rap
17 18 Science Fiction
18 19 TV Shows
19 20 Sci Fi & Fantasy
20 21 Drama
21 22 Comedy
22 23 Alternative
23 24 Classical
24 25 Opera
25 26 Arabic Pop

πŸ“₯ From MongoDB​

If you've taken Contemporary Database, you have already learned about One of the NoSQL Database options, MongoDB.

In the following example, I will show you how you can use Python to Query Data from a MongoDB.

Here we'll need to install the PyMongo Package. Depending on the MongoDB instance you're trying to connect to, you will need an extra companion package. You can find out about that in this link to the PyMongo Documentation. For instances:

  • For AWS, you need to install pymongo[aws]
  • For mongodb+srv connection strings, you'd need to install pymongo[srv]

For the MongoDB instance on Mongo Atlas, we need pymongo[srv], pipenv install 'pymongo[srv]'

import pandas as pd
from pymongo import MongoClient
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv


pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) # Otherwise, pandas would not be able to display the full content of each cell

def _connect_mongo(host, username, password, db):
""" A util for making a connection to mongo """

mongo_uri = 'mongodb+srv://%s:%s@%s/?retryWrites=true&w=majority"' % (username, password, host)

conn = MongoClient(mongo_uri)

return conn[db]

def read_mongo(db, collection, query={}, no_id=True):
""" Read from Mongo and Store into DataFrame """

# Make a query to the specific DB and Collection
cursor = db[collection].find(query)

# Expand the cursor and construct the DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(list(cursor))

# Delete the _id
if no_id:
del df['_id']

return df

username = os.getenv("MONGO_USERNAME")
password = os.getenv("MONGO_PASSWORD")

db = _connect_mongo(host='', username=username, password=password, db='sample_airbnb')
df = read_mongo(db=db, collection='listingsAndReviews', query={'bedrooms': {'$lt': 2}}, no_id=False)
_id listing_url name summary space description neighborhood_overview notes transit access interaction house_rules property_type room_type bed_type minimum_nights maximum_nights cancellation_policy last_scraped calendar_last_scraped accommodates bedrooms beds number_of_reviews bathrooms amenities price weekly_price monthly_price cleaning_fee extra_people guests_included images host address availability review_scores reviews first_review last_review security_deposit reviews_per_month
0 10009999 Horto flat with small garden One bedroom + sofa-bed in quiet and bucolic ne... Lovely one bedroom + sofa-bed in the living ro... One bedroom + sofa-bed in quiet and bucolic ne... This charming ground floor flat is located in ... ThereΒ΄s a table in the living room now, that d... Easy access to transport (bus, taxi, car) and ... IΒ΄ll be happy to help you with any doubts, tip... I just hope the guests treat the space as they... Apartment Entire home/apt Real Bed 2 1125 flexible 2019-02-11 05:00:00 2019-02-11 05:00:00 4 1 2.0 0 1.0 [Wifi, Wheelchair accessible, Kitchen, Free pa... 317.00 1492.00 4849.00 187.00 0.00 1 {'thumbnail_url': '', 'medium_url': '', 'pictu... {'host_id': '1282196', 'host_url': 'https://ww... {'street': 'Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Br... {'availability_30': 0, 'availability_60': 0, '... {} [] NaT NaT NaN NaN
1 1001265 Ocean View Waikiki Marina w/prkg A short distance from Honolulu's billion dolla... Great studio located on Ala Moana across the s... A short distance from Honolulu's billion dolla... You can breath ocean as well as aloha. Honolulu does have a very good air conditioned... Pool, hot tub and tennis We try our best at creating, simple responsive... The general welfare and well being of all the ... Condominium Entire home/apt Real Bed 3 365 strict_14_with_grace_period 2019-03-06 05:00:00 2019-03-06 05:00:00 2 1 1.0 96 1.0 [TV, Cable TV, Wifi, Air conditioning, Pool, K... 115.00 650.00 2150.00 100.00 0.00 1 {'thumbnail_url': '', 'medium_url': '', 'pictu... {'host_id': '5448114', 'host_url': 'https://ww... {'street': 'Honolulu, HI, United States', 'sub... {'availability_30': 16, 'availability_60': 46,... {'review_scores_accuracy': 9, 'review_scores_c... [{'_id': '4765259', 'date': 2013-05-24 04:00:0... 2013-05-24 04:00:00 2019-02-07 05:00:00 NaN NaN
2 10021707 Private Room in Bushwick Here exists a very cozy room for rent in a sha... Here exists a very cozy room for rent in a sha... Apartment Private room Real Bed 14 1125 flexible 2019-03-06 05:00:00 2019-03-06 05:00:00 1 1 1.0 1 1.5 [Internet, Wifi, Air conditioning, Kitchen, Bu... 40.00 NaN NaN NaN 0.00 1 {'thumbnail_url': '', 'medium_url': '', 'pictu... {'host_id': '11275734', 'host_url': 'https://w... {'street': 'Brooklyn, NY, United States', 'sub... {'availability_30': 0, 'availability_60': 0, '... {'review_scores_accuracy': 10, 'review_scores_... [{'_id': '61050713', 'date': 2016-01-31 05:00:... 2016-01-31 05:00:00 2016-01-31 05:00:00 NaN NaN
3 10030955 Apt Linda Vista Lagoa - Rio Quarto com vista para a Lagoa Rodrigo de Freit... Quarto com vista para a Lagoa Rodrigo de Freit... Apartment Private room Real Bed 1 1125 flexible 2019-02-11 05:00:00 2019-02-11 05:00:00 2 1 1.0 0 2.0 [TV, Cable TV, Internet, Wifi, Air conditionin... 701.00 NaN NaN 250.00 0.00 1 {'thumbnail_url': '', 'medium_url': '', 'pictu... {'host_id': '51496939', 'host_url': 'https://w... {'street': 'Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Br... {'availability_30': 28, 'availability_60': 58,... {} [] NaT NaT 1000.00 NaN
4 1003530 New York City - Upper West Side Apt Murphy bed, optional second bedroom available.... Murphy bed, optional second bedroom available.... Great neighborhood - many terrific restaurants... My cat, Samantha, are in and out during the su... Conveniently located near 1, 2, 3, B & C subwa... New York City! No smoking is permitted in the apartment. All ... Apartment Private room Real Bed 12 360 strict_14_with_grace_period 2019-03-07 05:00:00 2019-03-07 05:00:00 2 1 1.0 70 1.0 [Internet, Wifi, Air conditioning, Kitchen, El... 135.00 NaN NaN 135.00 0.00 1 {'thumbnail_url': '', 'medium_url': '', 'pictu... {'host_id': '454250', 'host_url': 'https://www... {'street': 'New York, NY, United States', 'sub... {'availability_30': 0, 'availability_60': 0, '... {'review_scores_accuracy': 10, 'review_scores_... [{'_id': '4351675', 'date': 2013-04-29 04:00:0... 2013-04-29 04:00:00 2018-08-12 04:00:00 0.00 NaN

πŸ“₯ Via Web Scrapping​

Data is available in different structures and format. These formats are:

  1. Structured Data Data that can be displayed in tabular formats. Often the format you find via Databases, CSV files, and sometimes APIs.
  2. Unstructured Data These are data that can't readily be presented as tables. It may include images, audio files, documents.
  3. Semi-Structured Data These are structured data that can't exactly fit in a tabular formats. For example, data that's represented as nested objects. (See the COVID API Response; the top level represents all the aggregates, then region specific data, county, city, ...etc. Each of those levels don't necessary contain the same data elements, and may include different features or properties. These are data that are often shared as APIs, JSON files, ...etc.

One of the semi-structured-to unstructured data is data that's available on websites. They're not exactly always in a consumable state (even if they're tables). One way we can take advantage of this information is by Web Scrapping.

This is the process of extracting data from websites.

Let's say we found this data on Wikipedia on the world distribution of wealth. The page contains this information in tables with no API or an easily downloadable CSV files.

Northern America - wealth distribution Central America - wealth distribution

and so on for every continent.

If you're not familiar with HTML as a markup language. Please review the following website. For this particular part, we're only looking at the Table Markups.

<th>Header cell 1</th>
<th>Header cell 2</th>

<td>Row 1 - Cell 1</td>
<td>Row 1 - Cell 2</td>
<td>Row 2 - Cell 1</td>
<td>Row 2 - Cell 2</td>

If you look at the Wikipedia page, above, you'll see there are multiple sections and html elements on the page. You'll also see multiple tables on the page. The browser receives the data as HTML code, and parses it to present it in a human-friendly format. To see the underlying HTML code, you can open the page inspector/developer tools. open the html inspector

For any chromium-based browser (Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge, ...), you should be able to see the same option.

See how you can see the code elements and what they represent on the web page. HTML Inspector

Now we need to see if we can get the HTML code from this page to parse and extract the data from it. So we'll download the content of the URL as a string first.

We'll use the URLLib Package. This Package contains multiple modules. The one we're interested in here is the Request module, which contains multiple functions related to opening and reading URLs.


Please take a moment to review the documentation page, especially the Examples section. You'll need to be familiar with how you can review and understand documentations.

πŸ¦‰ Develop that skill

Understanding the documentation is not going to be outdated, The libraries will. These tools will keep on getting updates. Don't memorize the syntax for those libraries but learn how to understand their documentation. That's the skill that you should learn from this lesson.

import urllib.request
html = urllib.request.urlopen("").read(500) # Read the first 500 characters
    b'<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html class="client-nojs" lang="en" dir="ltr">\n<head>\n<meta charset="UTF-8"/>\n<title>Wealth distribution by country - Wikipedia</title>\n<script>document.documentElement.className="client-js";RLCONF={"wgBreakFrames":false,"wgSeparatorTransformTable":["",""],"wgDigitTransformTable":["",""],"wgDefaultDateFormat":"dmy","wgMonthNames":["","January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],"wgRequestId":"7a4f1b56-2331-4b09-82b'

you can run the previous cell again without passing any numbers in the read function. This will return the entirety of the page. the problem there now is that we have to figure out ways to parse HTML string we receive to find the different elements of the page we're interested in. (not a very easy thing to do)

For a moment, I thought the parse module of the same package would be the answer here, however this module parses the URL itself.

Thankfully, some developer ran into the same problem. They developed and release BeautifulSoup

This is a python package that's built for HTML web scrapping, it's able to parse and interface with HTML documents.

It's a third party package, so I will need to install it first pipenv install beautifulsoup4

Let's now get the wikipedia page using BeautifulSoup:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

url = ""
page = requests.get(url) # Get the page
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser') # Parse the HTML as a string
print(soup.prettify()) # Print the parsed data of html
tables = soup.find_all('table')

# Get the first table
df = pd.read_html(str(tables[0]))[0]
nation percent of world population share of adult population Net worth per capita (PPP) Net worth per capita (exchange rates) Percent of world net worth (PPP) Percent of world net worth (exchange rates) Real GDP per capita (PPP) Real GDP per capita (exchange rates) Percent of world GDP (PPP) Percent of world GDP (exchange rates)
0 USA 4.67 71.39 143727.0 143727.0 25.4 32.65 35619.0 35619.0 21.97 31.49
1 Canada 0.50 74.18 89252.0 70916.0 1.7 1.74 28731.0 22828.0 1.91 2.18
2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 total 5.17 NaN NaN NaN 27.1 34.39 NaN NaN 23.88 33.67

We're able to get the table into a pandas DataFrame here. however, we don't really need to the last 2 rows here; the second form last is just a empty separator row, and the other is a total row. let's use pandas functions to get rid of those 2 rows.

# remove the last 2 rows of pandas DataFrame
df = df[:-2]
nation percent of world population share of adult population Net worth per capita (PPP) Net worth per capita (exchange rates) Percent of world net worth (PPP) Percent of world net worth (exchange rates) Real GDP per capita (PPP) Real GDP per capita (exchange rates) Percent of world GDP (PPP) Percent of world GDP (exchange rates)
0 USA 4.67 71.39 143727.0 143727.0 25.4 32.65 35619.0 35619.0 21.97 31.49
1 Canada 0.50 74.18 89252.0 70916.0 1.7 1.74 28731.0 22828.0 1.91 2.18

But that's only the first table on the page. Let's import all of those table dynamically

print('we have %1d tables' % (len(tables)))
    we have 8 tables
for i in range(1, len(tables)):
df = pd.concat([df, pd.read_html(str(tables[i]))[0]], ignore_index=True)
df = df[:-2]
nation percent of world population share of adult population Net worth per capita (PPP) Net worth per capita (exchange rates) Percent of world net worth (PPP) Percent of world net worth (exchange rates) Real GDP per capita (PPP) Real GDP per capita (exchange rates) Percent of world GDP (PPP) Percent of world GDP (exchange rates) rank nation.1 percent of world population.1
0 USA 4.67 71.39 143727.0 143727.0 25.40 32.65 35619.0 35619.0 21.97 31.49 NaN NaN NaN
1 Canada 0.50 74.18 89252.0 70916.0 1.70 1.74 28731.0 22828.0 1.91 2.18 NaN NaN NaN
2 Argentina 0.61 63.17 38481.0 25410.0 0.88 0.75 11729 7745 0.94 0.89 NaN NaN NaN
3 Bahamas 0.00 60.87 76364.0 53813.0 0.01 0.01 16793 14217 0.01 0.01 NaN NaN NaN
4 Barbados 0.00 71.27 103787.0 58121.0 0.02 0.01 17526 9815 0.01 0.01 NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
335 Chad 0.13 NaN 1728.0 353 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 167.0 Sierra Leone 0.07
336 Guinea-Bissau 0.02 NaN 1673.0 329 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 168.0 Chad 0.13
337 Yemen 0.29 NaN 1425.0 329 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 169.0 Niger 0.19
338 Ethiopia 0.01 NaN 1414.0 na NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 170.0 Burundi na
339 Congo, Democratic Republic 0.82 NaN 1402.0 298 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 171.0 Tajikistan 0.1

340 rows Γ— 14 columns