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πŸ’― Grading

Coursework Weights​

Assignments in this course include the following:

Assignment TypeWeight
Assignments and Labs40%
Participation and Check-in Surveys10%
Final Project35%
  • Quizzes - 15%

    • πŸ“… Always Due on Saturdays End-of-Day
    • Quizzes MUST be turned in on time. The late policy doesn't apply here.
    • This will help you practice the material before you get started on your labs and assignments.
    • This also serves as an attendance mechanism to make sure you go over the course material during the week.
    • Lowest quiz grade in this category will be automatically dropped from your grade calculations.
  • Assignments and Labs - 40%

    • πŸ“… Always Due on Sundays End-of-Day
    • Labs are guided assessments of the material; usually done in class.
    • Assignments are unguided assessments of the material.
    • Lowest grade in this category will be dropped.
  • Participation - 10%

    • There different activities that feed into this bucket including discussion boards, check-in Surveys, and engagement:
      • Check-in surveys:
        • This class will utilize 3 temperature checking surveys throughout the semester to help me guague how you're doing in class.
        • Certain adjustments to the class can be made based on the results of those surveys, so make sure you take them seriously
        • Some of the surveys can be to encourage honest feedback on the course structure and delievery.
      • Discussion Boards:
        • The course utilizes discussion boards to survey different topics related to the module.
        • Rubrics and expectations will be shared on each discussion board, but here's the big one:
          • Your responses MUST utilize the "Warm-Cool-Hard" Protocol
          • Maintain a balance between respect and constructive criticism in your responses to your classmates' posts.
      • Participation
        • Engagement on MS Teams
        • Actively keeping a line of communicaiton with the instructor (throughout the semester) regarding your progress and challenges.
          • Meeting with the instructor for office hours
  • Final Project - 35%

    • This includes 3 milestones checkpoints, the final project submission, and a presentation.
    • The project is mean to synthesize multiple topics and competencies covered throughtout the semester.
    • More instructions will be provided later.
  • Extra Credit

    • There will be numerous extra credit opportunities throughout the assignments in the semester.
    • Helping fellow classmates on MS Teams with their questions.
    • Contributing to the course site the Labs, Course Notes following the Contribution Guide
Assignment weights chartAssignment weights chart

Grading Scale​

A93.00% and aboveA-90.00%-92.99%
D-60.00%-62.99%Fless than 60.00%

The course being in an online format, DOES NOT mean you can do it at your own pace. You are still expected to stay up to date with the material and submit all your work on the specified due dates.

Please Refer to the Late Work Policy