To install Poetry, you call follow the official installation instructions.
I'll copy some of that over here for convinience. But keep it mind this may have changed since copying this.
For Windows
The following instruction are for windows users not using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
Using powershell, run the following command:
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -
If you have installed Python through the Microsoft Store, replace py
with python
in the command above.
The installer may take care of the following step, but if after you restarted your terminal were still unable to envoke poetry, you'll need to add poetry to your PATH
environment variable.
the path you need to add to your env. variables is %APPDATA%\Python\Scripts
on Windows.
For Linux, macOS, and Windows with WSL
Using your terminal of choice, run the following command:
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
you may be able to run this with just python
instead of python3
depending on your system. but some systems still assumes python 2 when you call python
so it's best to be explicit.
The installer may take care of the following step, but if after you restarted your terminal were still unable to envoke poetry, you'll need to add poetry to your PATH
environment variable.
the path you need to add to your env. variables is $HOME/.local/bin
on Linux and macOS.
Verifying the installation
To make sure you've installed poetry correctly, run the following command:
poetry --version
The results of this is the screenshot you'll need to provide.