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Checkpoint 1: about the project


In the first week's discussion, you were asked to construct a data analysis project that you'd be interested in researching and analyzing in this course. You were given feedback(1) on the project's (1) scope and focus, (2) Objectives, (3) identified datasets by the instructor and your fellow classmates.

In this checkpoint, you will start constructing your project using the provided template (Should be very similar to the discussion board requirements, but you can now address the comments from the feedback)

What the checkpoint should include​

The Template structure includes:

  • Topic: What problem are you (or your stakeholder) trying to address? Why is that topic important?
  • Project Questions: What questions are you trying to answer with this projects
    • This is not the same as the questions you ask to limit the scope of the project.
  • What would an answer look like?
    • Even with charts (hand-drawn is accepted).
    • If you can't define what an answer could look like:
      • then your question wasn't sufficiently concrete.
      • then your data isn't enough
  • Data Sources:
    • What data sources have you identified for your project?
    • You need to identify 3 data sources of at least 2 data source types (files, databases, API, scrapped pages)
    • You also need to indicate how you think you can relate these datasets
      • (i.e. if you're going to merge them, what variables do you think those datasets will provide that will allow you to merge them? There's no use in saying, β€œI'll merge this political survey with medical records of who has received bad care” if the political survey doesn't provide identifying information that you can use to link survey respondents to medical records, even if you have both the survey and medical records!)
    • you'll also need to πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» import those datasets into your project.

You'll also be required to provide a peer review of one of your fellow classmates' work. You'll have access to their submission and will need to provide thoughtful feedback. Your feedback isn't limited to the project idea and design but also to the coding practices followed. The assignment resources include links to the Warm-Cool-Hard Feedback protocol as well as the clean code practices document on the course's website. You're encouraged to draw on your own personal and industrial experience in your feedback.

Due Dates​

  • Assignment Due Date: Sept 25, 2022
  • Peer-Review Due Date: Oct 2, 2022


Please use the following link to accept the assignment on GitHub

GitHub Classroom Assignment: Final Project

Please check the rubric for details on how you'll be graded on this assignment.

(1) Feedback can be found on the discussion board, on the assignment submission AND on the different components on the assignment rubric (make sure you check in all 3 places)
